

Damp coming from under the home: Many homes in New Zealand have damp in the crawl space under the ground floor. This damp can rise through the floorboards and increase the risk of mould and damp inside the home if the crawl space is not ventilated properly or the ground is not covered with thick polythene sheeting. Homes that have an enclosed subfloor must be fitted with groundsheets in order to meet both HomeFit and the Healthy Homes Standards.

Is any part of your home raised off the ground?
Is there a thick polythene sheet laid over the bare ground under the entire home?

Why having a damp free home is important

Suspended wooden floors above bare ground are a major source of internal moisture. Evaporation from the ground can add 40 litres of moisture a day to the average home. It’s important to keep that water in the ground, where it belongs, by installing a ground vapour barrier (made of heavy polythene) – these are required under the Government’s Healthy Homes Standards for rental properties as well as for HomeFit. For more information, see Gen Less How to tackle dampness.